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The Weekly Wrap – 18th December 2019




SEO: The Economics of Link Building
In this article, we break down the economics of link building to help clear the fog around this important subject.

SEO: The SEO’s Introduction to Rendering
In this article, you’ll learn tips on how you can make rendering more effective.

SEO: 5 SEO Realities SEO Professionals Struggle with Most
Find out the five SEO realities industry practitioners say they struggle with most, and how they think SEO practice could be improved.

SEO: 14 Technical SEO Takeaways from TechSEOBoost
Here are the biggest takeaways that can help you maximise your website visibility and performance through advanced technical SEO in 2020.

SEO: The beginner’s guide to semantic search: Examples and tools
In this article, you’ll learn semantic analysis and it’s application in SEO.

SEO: How to Build a Link Analysis Dashboard with the Google Query Function in Google Sheets [Free Template]
In this six-step guide, learn how to use Google’s query formula in order to build link analysis dashboards in Google sheets.

SEO: 6 Easy But Stupid SEO Tactics You Must Avoid
Here are six SEO tactics you must avoid to prevent your organic search performances from suffering.

SEO: Web Accessibility 101: 9 Tips from WordStream’s Web Experts
Here, we’re sharing nine website accessibility tips from WordStream’s own experts, including making videos more accessible, choosing fonts wisely, and more.

SEO: How to Dominate SERPS by Focusing on Topics Instead of Keywords
In this article, you’ll learn how to shift your strategy from a keyword-focus to topics in order to help create content that dominates search results.

SEO: WordPress SEO Beyond the Basics: 8 Things You Must Do Next
Here are eight advanced tactics you can try to improve your WordPress SEO.

Paid: Understanding BERT’s Implications on Paid Search
In this article, you’ll learn how Google’s new algorithm (BERT) can impact your PPC ads.

Paid: 2020 PPC Un-Resolutions: What Not to Do in the New Year
Keep your PPC accounts in good shape for 2020. Here are 5 common PPC mistakes to avoid.

Content: How to Do Brand Storytelling in 3 Successful Ways
In this article, you’ll discover three ways to do brand storytelling that serves as a differentiator and memorable opportunity to engage an audience.

Content: How to Make Your Website Accessible for the Disabled
Creating an accessible website is a great way to make your website use-able for many potential customers. Here’s how to make your website accessible.

Social: How to Create a Social Media Style Guide for Your Business
In this article, you’ll find seven critical elements to include when you create a social media marketing style guide.

Social: 8 Social Media Marketing Mistakes You Need to Avoid 
Here are eight common mistakes you need to avoid, including working without a plan, choosing the wrong tone, and more!

Social: How to Get Approved for Instagram Shopping and Product Tags
In this article, you’ll find step-by-step instructions to reapply for Instagram Shopping so you can enable product tagging.

Social: Writing Facebook Ad Copy That Converts
In this article, we share a podcast with Molly Pittman – a Facebook Ads strategist, and her three-part framework to follow for creating Facebook ads that work and shares three hooks to build your ads around.

Social: How to Clear Facebook Cache, Twitter Cache, and LinkedIn Cache so Your Content Looks Right
In this article, you’ll find a step-by-step guide to clearing the cache of Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn so your content looks the way you want it to.

Local: 8 Data-Driven Tips for Local Search Marketing
Here are eight data-drive local marketing tips to help, including delivering quality content, getting creative with keyword targeting, and more!

Local: 6 Local Search Marketing DIY Tips for the Crafting Industry
Here are six best marketing tips for craft retailers for a more successful and profitable 2020.


SEO: Google Search Console Reports Updated With Fresher Data
Google continues to update reports in Search Console with fresher data.

SEO: Google Super Easy Explanation How It Uses Machine Learning In Search
Google’s John Mueller explained that Google uses their Machine Learning in search for Google uses it for “specific problems” where automation and machine learning can help improve the outcome.

SEO: Google News Site Command Feature Temporarily Out Of Order
Google has acknowledge a bug problem for the site command on Google News and will look into fixing in 2020.

SEO: John Mueller: Googlebot Receives Sitemaps “In the Form of an Energy Drink”
Google’s John Mueller illustrated how Googlebot processes sitemap files by using a unique analogy involving energy drinks.

SEO: Microsoft brings visual search to Windows search bar
Windows users can now initiate Bing visual searches right from the search bar, without having to open up a browser.

SEO: Bug in Google Search Console performance reports impact Google Discover reporting
Google has acknowledged a bug within the performance reports in Google Search Console that impacted reporting around Google Discover traffic.

SEO: Bing to update BingBot’s user agent
Bing announced today that it “will start the transition to a new bingbot user-agent” as it continues to roll out the evergreen BingBot.

Related Articles:

SEO: Google: It’s Not Just About Improving Your Content But Rather Your Whole Web Site
Google’s John Mueller said that content quality is not just about improving the content, but rather also working on fixing the overall quality of the web site and maybe even about differentiating your site from your competitors.

SEO: Google’s New GoogleBot User Agent Names Rolling Out
Google’s Martin Splitt said that we may see a new user agent in your log files now, because Google is rolling it out as an experiment now before it is fully rolled out at some point this month (December).

SEO: Google Launches a Hub for Top Trending Product Searches
Google has launched a home on the web for marketers to discover the top trending product searches across different categories.

SEO: Google Does Not Support Crawl Delay But Bing Does
Google’s John Mueller said that Google never supported crawl-delay in robots.txt. However, Bing’s Frédéric Dubut said Bingbot supports crawl-delay.

SEO: Google: Speakable Markup Works Outside Of News Content
Google’s Danny Sullivan said that speak-able markup now can work for content outside of Google News, however, doesn’t guarantee that Google Assistant will always use it.

SEO: Google Search Console Showing Errors For Incorrectly Tagging URL With RDFa or Microdata
Google has started to show errors specifically with the rich results when implemented using RDFa or microdata that incorrectly tag a URL where a text value is expected are now shown as an error in the rich result report. 

SEO: WordPress Announces Gutenberg 7.1 – It’s Big!
WordPress Gutenberg 7.1 has been updated with a large amount of improvements. 

SEO: Yahoo Extends Deadline for Deletion of Yahoo Groups Data
Yahoo is extending the date that it plans to delete all Yahoo Groups data which was originally scheduled to happen this week (December 14th).

SEO: Google showing product availability markup in image search results
Google is displaying the availability of products on image search results page.

SEO: Google Warns: City Landing Pages Can Be Doorway Pages & Against Guidelines
Google’s John Mueller said that SEOs should not go ahead and build out city based landing pages, with the strategy of trying to rank for your keyword phrase + city name. He said that would be a doorway page and against Google’s guidelines.

SEO: Bing: To Use Machine Learning; You Have To Be Okay With It Not Being Perfect
Bing’s Frédéric Dubut said that if you do use machine learning in production, like Bing does, you have to be okay with the results not being perfect. 

SEO: Google Begins Using BERT to Generate Top Stories Carousels in Search
Google is now using BERT models, along with other machine learning techniques, to group related news articles together in carousels.

Related Articles:

SEO: Google Search Console Job Postings Errors Adjustments
Google has posted that in Google Search Console your job posting errors may have changed. 

SEO: Google Brings New Features to ‘App + Web’ Properties in Google Analytics
Google is upgrading the new App + Web property in Google Analytics, which allows users to measure multiple websites and apps.

Paid: Google Secretly Rolling out NEW Image Extensions to Search Ads
Google’s been sneaking into the ability to enable image extensions, allowing advertisers to display relevant images alongside their search ads!

Social: YouTube Upsets Creators With Another Policy Change
YouTube has again upset creators after implementing another policy change that may impact the content published by popular channels.

Social: Pinterest Introduces Tool For Discovering Top US Search Terms
Pinterest is introducing a new tool to help marketers keep up with the top US search terms on the platform.

Mobile: Twitter Lets iOS Users Post Live Photos as GIFs
Twitter is rolling out a new feature to its iOS app, which lets users easily upload their live photos as GIFs.

Mobile: Google brings ‘Interpreter Mode’ language translation to the Assistant on smartphones
Google is broadly rolling out Interpreter Mode to Android devices and iPhones. Where there were 26 languages available on Google Home, there are now 44 on the smartphone Assistant.

Local: Google Local Panel With New Service Areas Icon
Google has been spotted with adding a new delivery truck icon in some local panels on Google mobile results.

Related Articles:

Local: Google Local Pack Tests Site Cards Element Google is testing showing a card or box within the local pack snippets of a specific listing that links you to the business’s web site. 

Local: Google Local Panel With “X Minutes From Landmark”
Google can now show how far a specific location is from another nearby landmark.

Local: Google Tests Review Carousel In Local Knowledge Panel
Google has been spotted testing a new look for reviews listed in the local knowledge panel – it shows a carousel of reviews. 

Related Articles:

Local: Google Tests Local Service Ads For Realtors
Google is testing Google Local Service Ads. Local Services ads help you connect with people who search on Google for the services you offer.

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MozCon 2019: Dr. Pete Meyers – How Many Words Is A Question Worth?

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