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The Weekly Wrap – 18th July 2018

Ignite Search Weekly Wrap – 18th July 2018

100% Curated SEO/Online Marketing Goodness

Key Industry Updates:

SEO: Google Image search updates referrer URL to help publishers track image search traffic

In coming months, the Google Image search referral URL will be changing. Make sure your software tools are ready.

SEO: Google releases AMP Stories v1.0 with new features, including an ads beta for DFP users

Following on the introduction of AMP Stories for publishers in February, the AMP team has announced several updates to AMP Stories, including monetization capabilities. Version 1.0 of AMP Stories is now available to all developers, no whitelisting needed.

SEO: Google expands job search to the UK

Google has announced it has expanded Google for Jobs, which was introduced a year ago in the United States, to the United Kingdom. Google wrote, “We’re excited to bring a new job search experience to Google to connect people in the UK to job opportunities.”

SEO: Report: Google’s mobile search results now show image thumbnails 45% of the time

Mordy Oberstein from RankRanger has reported that the Google mobile search results interface has seen a dramatic increase in the number of image thumbnails displayed in the mobile search results.

SEO: Google Search Console Search Analytics API now gives you 25,000 rows per request

On Friday, Google announced that the Search Console Search Analytics API now lets developers request 25,000 rows of data per request. Google also added 16 months of data to the Search Analytics API, so giving developers a way to get more data out of the API is a good thing.

SEO: Bing is testing an ‘open in new window’ icon in the search results

Bing is testing a new icon in its search results interface to let searchers open the search result they are interested in directly or in a new window.

Paid Search: Google brings Hotel Ads into the Google Ads platform, updates feed management hub

Google announced this week that it is folding Hotel Ads buying into the Google Ads (formerly AdWords) platform with the introduction of a new campaign type. There is also a new Hotel Center for managing hotel price feeds.

Paid Search: Google shows ‘People also search for’ suggestions in ad results, too

This week, some marketers noted that Google’s organic “People also search for” box of suggested queries is showing up within the paid search results after a user clicks on an ad and then goes back to the search results page.

Local Search: Google Posts adds ‘call now’ button

The new option within Google My Business lets you include your phone number as a call to action.

Mobile Search: Google Assistant gets more helpful

The Google Assistant app now offers a new visual overview of your day, with proactive suggestions and personalized information.

Social: Snapchat partners with 4 news discovery platforms to help push content beyond the app

Snapchat is partnering with Storyful, NewsWhip, SAM Desk and Tagboard — all news-focused platforms used by journalists and media organizations — to open up news-related content for wider distribution.

Helpful Strategies, Tips & Tricks:

SEO: 15 checks you should make when choosing a link partner

How can you best evaluate a site to determine whether it’s a good linking partner? Contributor Julie Joyce outlines 15 things you need to check including site hacks, poor quality content, traffic and more.

SEO: Ask an SMXpert – Google Tag Manager

SMXperts Stephanie Wallace and Tom Bennet answer questions on how Google Tag Manager works, its key benefits and why you should be using it.

SEO: How to be proactive and prevent a negative SEO campaign — Part 3

There is no such thing as being negative SEO-proof, says contributor Joe Sinkwitz. All you can do is take steps to lessen the probability of becoming a victim. Here’s how to reduce attack vectors and protect your site.

SEO: Improving the customer experience means getting search right

As consumers search from more places than ever before, it’s vital that marketers deliver experiences that perform. Contributor Jim Yu shares tips on how to deliver a great experience at every search touch point.

SEO: How Important Is an H1 Tag for SEO?

Does your site have a clear heading? In this blog post, we would discuss the importance of an H1 tag its benefits.

Paid Search: Ad Rank Demystified: What It Is & 3 Ways to Improve It Without Spending More

We all know the basics of ad rank – the specific position that your ad occupies on paid search results. But, when you break it down even further, do you know what factors are at play? If not, that’s what you are here to find out.

Paid Search: PPC’s #fakenews: 9 ways bad numbers might look good

Did you know it’s super-easy to fake your way to seemingly good PPC performance? Contributor Andreas Reiffen shares multiple ways to arm yourself against the pay-per-click version of ‘fake news.’

Local: Do Google reviews impact local ranking?

Contributor Joy Hawkins thinks reviews may play some part in how a local page ranks. Here is a case study that shows her findings.

Mobile Search: 7 ways digital marketers use what happens on calls to optimize ROI

The customer journey is calling. When consumers search for products and services, engage with digital ads or visit a business’s website on their smartphones, they often convert in the most convenient and natural way: by calling.

Social: Video SEO: How to Optimize Your YouTube Videos

Video optimization, or YouTube SEO as it is becoming more commonly called, gives good video content the ability to have greater visibility against other videos – not just in YouTube search, but also in Google search and other search engines like Bing.

Social: How to Build a Free Facebook Messenger Chatbot for Lead Generation

All signs point to chatbots as a win for marketing and customer service. Stats say that consumers like using chatbots. That’s why 80 percent of businesses plan to have a chatbot by 2020. Chatbots are a cost-efficient way to scale lead gen and marketing automations. So are you ready to build your own chatbot yet?

Read Our Blog Post on: The Ultimate SEO Dictionary: For Beginners

Ultimate SEO Dictionary Beginners

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